

Art Journal Blog | insta @cscdgnpry | commissions open

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My Top 6 Favourite Pokemon from Gen 5 (#unova)

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My Top 6 Favourite Pokemon from Gen 6 (#kalos)

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[Part 2] It has been a really special experience for me to look back and to see how i have improved over the years!!

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[part 1] I have almost completed re-releasing my entire first generation, an though it may not be interesting to you

0 2 SUPER RARE!!! Japanese Pokemon Neo 1, 2, 3 & 4 Handy Guide Complete Set

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making friends at Kyary's 5 years tour concert!!! So awesome meeting like minded people :D

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- I wish there were more Neo cards! ポケモンカードネオの5番拡張パックが欲しいなぁ〜!

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