

The official account for CSS-Tricks.com, a web design community powered by @DigitalOcean.

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Bringing new CSS techniques to production https://t.co/jOE1A6ELAj

26 146

Improving Video Accessibility with WebVTT https://t.co/wuqoVjgBl5

13 24

A Little Reminder That Pseudo Elements are Children, Kinda. https://t.co/WE7liNEq4V

21 61

Weekly Platform News: Event Timing, Google Earth for Web, undead session cookies https://t.co/Gbulr0CZIt

6 11

Weekly Platform News: Mozilla’s AV1 Encoder, Samsung One UI CSS, DOM Matches Method https://t.co/tjcJ1CjDjf

2 15

Weekly Platform News: CSS Scroll Snap, Opera GX, PWA Install Icon https://t.co/606yzLHWbB

10 46

Weekly Platform News: Feature Policy, ECMAScript i18n API, Packaged PWAs https://t.co/ue5J3wDD3c

5 10

Creating Animations Using React Spring https://t.co/aM0S5NcNXB

18 94

Material Theming: Making Material Your Own! https://t.co/ErK2qKKpg2

14 48

Weekly Platform News: Favicon Guidelines, Accessibility Testing, Web Almanac https://t.co/ftsBsdKU6o

19 62