

illustrator|Csyday (サイデー)|EN/中文/日本語ok|
Pixiv: pixiv.me/csyday829
Work/FAQs: see info↓ Thanks(^^)

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:198600

A bit late (again) but glad to be part of the HoYoFair2023 event ()! 🎉
Drew Chibi Abyss Aether & Lumine + Dein for the countdown illustration :3

1065 6021

memory librarian✍ (rework trial

95 721

“I am totally fine”

5363 32808

A bit late but congrats for reaching 100th-day release milestone! May this journey lead us starward💫


2069 10326

"Ride the Waves to a Rendezvous in Fontaine"

Glad this work is to be part of the Endless Adventure in Teyvat: Fontaine Edition Game Art Exhibition! Looking forward to a new adventure! (^^)b

1740 8172


bit bigger version on pixiv too ~

10 98