Cubus Gamesさんのプロフィール画像

Cubus Gamesさんのイラストまとめ

⚗️✨ Narrative alchemists creating #gameBasedSolutions s/2014
🏆: SmartCat Challenge 2022, GamingCat 2020, TICAnoia 2018, EmprendeLibro 2016, HackatH2On 2015

フォロー数:2470 フォロワー数:4608

Cap de setmana de ! Ens emportem un premi sota el braç i moltes idees compartides amb gent fantàstica!

3 4

HAVE A Better late than never! ;) Get the 2 books of an epic saga now!

0 1

Completant alpha testing del que en diuen "real-world context apps". Una experiència del Aviat!

4 4

Why are games good for learning? Via

10 1

has reached half of its goal! Please back! army needs YOU!!

2 1

Just sharing this B/N by ! "The lazarans are not mindless

5 3