

⭑ twenty ; genderfluid + bi ⭑ australian ⭑ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

フォロー数:409 フォロワー数:447

here’s some of my recent art for reference also if this flops my cat tweeted it

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hey guys look at my epic cool and epic kalashtar i’m playing on the !!

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ahhhh hello!! here’s some art ^_^

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blasting this shit on the way to school 💯

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earliest one i could find that was relatively human (i used to draw sludge monsters alot idk why)

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lil edyn n pretzel doodle because them <3

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drew this a while ago i need to do a new ref ;-;

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hey heyyy i’m a 17 year old beginner artist!! i mainly draw jrwi stuff but also a lot of ocs :)) i don’t really have a goal, i just wanna meet more artists n find more mutuals!!

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