

+20 gay twink
doodle account
main: @salvyie

フォロー数:539 フォロワー数:1689

1/3 done 👀💚 I usually don't post commissions but I love Kass and I love xander so yea <3
handsome boyo belongs to THANK YOU MY LIEGE

6 21

I'm still working on commissions but I figured to open a couple of ko-fi slots on the side 👉👈 you get one sketchy head and a doodle for 3 ko-fis!
my ToS is the same as always, dm me if you are interested or have any questions! 🥺#commissionsopen

24 38

quick doodle of my newest oc I adopted from @/parfaitbird ! 🥺🙏💚 Her name is enyo and I will make her epic swordswoman.. [#oc]

8 44

days will get better man, don't give up [#oc]

19 104

my eyes are open ♓️ [jjk

18 54

[#oc] comfort ✨👁‍🗨

19 67

noo i cant doodle amane with a cute bow noo o

3 24

reminder that these still exist and i never finished all of them

3 14