

34/ Certified Fake Geek Girl / Bleeding Heart Leftie/
I like nerdy things! Talk to me about #TTRPGs!

Avatar by @HammyDeVito💫

フォロー数:389 フォロワー数:318

In terms of design, I really, really liked this Genasi one. Maybe I'm showing my obvious bias towards certain palettes though lol

The way you rendered her hair flowing, and the subtle detailing on her physique (as well as the glowing tats) is very eye-catching and appealing!!

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It's a long story, but it was the worst best day of her life 😤💕

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Also speaking of why is Lucas available but Terry isn't?? Lucas is clearly *older* than Terry.

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X/1999 was the other half of that. Because I was already primed to be angsty and brooding, the Dragons of Earth's creed really resonated with me. It's really, deeply embarrassing now, looking back. But I was a very troubled teen lol

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"That all ya got?"

late night doodle to unwind. Let's see if I hate this tomorrow morning

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Look can we just take a second to appreciate how beautiful Galahad is?

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I believe in us!! 😤🙌💕

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