

hobby naturalist / artist / illustrator of wildlife 🍄

フォロー数:60 フォロワー数:66

gray treefrog (hyla versicolor)! did you know these guys can change their color from gray to green like a chameleon??

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upland chorus frog (pseudacris feriarium) inhabits the western half of maryland while the nearly identical new jersey chorus frog calls the eastern shore home!

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spring peeper (pseudacris crucifer) if you haven’t seen one of these tiny guys you’ve definitely heard one (or thousands)

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cope’s gray treefrog (hyla chrysoscelis) visually indistinct from gray treefrogs, only able to be identified by their calls!

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carpenter frog (lithobates virgatipes) these guys get their name from their hammer-like call! the perfect upstairs neighbors!

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