
🦇Artist •She-her, 22 y.o. • same tag🦋 • drawing different creatures 🐁 • ⭐️ WIPs are here Ouch! Existential crisis - comic🦊AI🚫

フォロー数:427 フォロワー数:366

спасибо за таг)) тоже прикалывают такие штуки, удивительно, что они еще есть
4 твоих любимых рисунка - 4 художника
(4 your fav drawings / tag 4 artists)
могу тагнуть
idk whom i'd tag, so all my followers-artists can participate in this meme if they want

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a m p h i b i a s

heh on the 1st drawing is the way im feeling myself, idk this is not a fursona, it's kind of mascot or sth like that

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My most recent artworks. Trying to develop Romaticism painting-style, drawing different stuff (humans/animals/anthropomorphic creatures/etc) to train.

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Halloween postcard with Isaac! :D

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