

I wanted my twitter username to be cynamon but it was already taken.

フォロー数:44 フォロワー数:655

WIP, but I'm feeling very sleepy and weak so i'm gonna nap before continuing x__x

4 24

Congratulation for getting a nendoroid Mink!!!!
I wanted to draw him with Chiral Night design ;¬;

33 66

today's wip.
He isn't part of the main illustrations series but he is there for one >w<

7 22

Kind of rushed it ;;

51 90

Quick small drawing for an article in PLATINUM

7 14

Re:connect café Mink.

22 32

Happy birthday Mink \o/

31 63

Dad Mink Making dinner (DMMd)

31 36

Cotton candies~

17 21