

"Hey bitch you look kawaii." || 22 y/o

フォロー数:418 フォロワー数:264

This person might need to be locked up but anyway here's mine lol

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guess I'm never catching up to rick and morty after all

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I didn't like the last profile picture I drew myself so I drew a new one lol

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they're all almost the exact same it doesn't matter who gets the aux you're getting like max 3 different songs

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Have some Pink Diamond... as a little treat for Easter lol

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nonbinary people drawing girls

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Some Deltarune art I helped a Discord make on r/place!
I only ever heard about the 2017 version after it had already ended and it's genuinely such a fun experience being part of it in real time

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lolicons are gross weirdos but on twt it gets muddy bc some ppl call stuff like this loli bc ig she's canon underage? Like can u criticize the artist for designing her like that? Yeah, it's fuckin weird. But I don't think it's abnormal for normal ppl to see booba and be attracted

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quirked up white girl with a little bit of swag

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