

We're Cze and Peku, a couple who love making maps. We specialize in battlemaps for DnD.
Our other projects: @czepekuscifi @alchemyrpg

フォロー数:437 フォロワー数:42474

Battlemap storytelling design thread???

It’s been a month or two since we made them but I want to talk about our 3 part Ages of the Vale series. Despite being basically a tavern (the most generic battlemap there is) this series was our most complex to date.

39 241

To your absolute astonishment, the legendary beast, the Hydra is here at the centre of its lair. You feel a huge sense of relief flood over you as you realise the multiple heads seem to be preoccupied with untangling themselves rather than feasting upon the party before them.

8 59

As you enter the clearing, you feel the magic in the air! The air feels so much lighter here, any anxieties you had leave your body in an instant as you’re overwhelmed with happiness!

4 33

A guild of thieves always seemed like such a brilliant idea, until the Idol of Khebris was stolen during a great heist. The temptation and greed became too much for some, resulting in a betrayal and massacre deep within the treasure room of the guild.

21 114

Your feet slip as you scramble through the slippery cobblestones in the alleyways, your heart pounding in your chest. The snarling and growling seems to be getting closer, do you keep running? Or turn round and fight for your life?

2 51

The floor is lava!

8 108

And as you hack your way through the undergrowth, to your absolute astonishment, you see before you a small Monastery across a bridge made of intertwining roots and branches.

What kind of people will you come across here?

17 110

The eerie silence floods your ears as you enter the hall of the mansion. You certainly don't see anything leading you to believe there is anything untoward, but something here just doesn't feel quite right...⁠

17 140

Instead of focusing on the constant pressure of the hunt. Take some time to enjoy this beautiful sunset over the Fey Village.⁠

29 140

There are not many things out there that could vanquish a kraken. Judging by the amount of blood in the ocean right now your party should probably think twice before investigating further.⁠

9 65