

I am an industrial dj in the Baltimore/DC area. Currently a resident for Metroschock held at Metro Gallery in Baltimore, MD. Love comics and all things geek.

フォロー数:1433 フォロワー数:1073

WildStorm Backlash
pencils and inks by
colours by

11 87



Today marks the 6th anniversary of the WildStorm Universe FB group, we just hit 4600 members! Thank you all for sharing the love of this truly exceptional comic universe full of fantastic characters, cheers!

7 64

I would love to commission a Backlash and Taboo piece from you!

0 3

StormWatch and later WildCORE, Backlash is my favourite character, love the WildStorm Universe

3 19

WildStorm StormWatch Diva
by after Scott Clark

8 64

WildStorm Cybernary
original art by Nick Manabat
colours by Thomas Mason
recreation of second piece by

6 29

WildStorm WildC.A.T.s Grifter
recreation by
colours by
original art by and

16 100