

hi yes i doodle stuff
pls follow

(previously known as the same name but with a j 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀)

フォロー数:1001 フォロワー数:278

i doodled monika :DD 🖕

89 649

The death of a passion

0 12

I can't take this rn 3 hours of sleep isn't gonna keep me awake tujejwjsjai

0 2

haha last shitpost of the year lets gooo

1 9

tried to uh do funky coloring

0 7

"But akshually, Mr. Albedo, the entropy change of the universe in a spontaneous reaction is always positive" - 🤓

1 2

i drew emu as a request but also made it kinda decent because i love her hehe

0 7