Disability Arts Cymruさんのプロフィール画像

Disability Arts Cymruさんのイラストまとめ

Hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb i bobl anabl a Byddar yn y celfyddydau yng Nghymru // Promoting equality for disabled and Deaf people in the arts in Wales

フォロー数:1731 フォロワー数:3810

Theme: Snakes and Ladders
It’s a metaphor for the times we are living in and the opportunities and pitfalls afforded to us by technologies, both creative and communications. Many disabled people will continue staying home until a vaccine is found... 🤓

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Prosecco for the winning horses is here!. come along on 24.3.16..Tickets £10 inc picnic. from Sue.com.

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Beauty and the Beast at The Riverfront, Newport http://t.co/rBel94Iy5z

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