


フォロー数:2746 フォロワー数:266

I really think it's only comparable to mario on a surface level because one immediately thinks its a galaxy ripoff but once you actually play it, its really different imo. As for the art direction, to me it just seems like they were trying to replicate the classic artstyle (...)

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these are some that come at the top of my mind

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they would have to remove the necklace at some point like in SA2 and sonic riders tho

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i wouldn't be surprised if this was foreshadowing for his death lol

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bruh, look at this and tell me they weren't anime inspired

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I love both but nami's a bit more because I think it's a nice touch that she has the monster trio's main colors on her outfit lol. Lowkey wish it could have been her main ts outfit

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