

Home of Daily BB Facts* Facts may not be daily, about BB or even facts..

フォロー数:807 フォロワー数:894

Day 282: According to Fate Extra materials Kingprotea’s talents are “None” ☹️

27 196

Happy birthday Kingprotea. She's inarguably the biggest of the Sakura Five.

56 305

Day 275: Violet isn’t in FGO, but two of her components are. Medusa and Melusine are already playable servants.

10 70

the same pastry thing that appears in Jinako's bond CE also appears in the Another Ending CE with Hakunon. What does it mean?

9 86

Day 255: Summer BB is well known for having a tan, but don’t forget to thank the first summer servant who became tan, Mordred. Mordred ̶w̶a̶l̶k̶e̶d̶ ̶ surfed so BB could r̶u̶n̶ ̶ stand on tentacles.

8 55

other people have already posted all the BBs and Melts etc
So here is the Jinako page from Wada Memo 4. you can see how she gets in and out of the statue.

29 120



Day 222: If you don’t love Kingprotea at her
“rampaging love starved rabid psychopath”
you don’t deserve her at her
“sweet giant diabetes inducing chocolate heart maker”

33 133

Day 221: When Kingprotea was put into FGO her eyepatch switched sides. This is because if it didn’t her eye would be covered when she was on your team in her first 2 ascensions.

15 102

