


フォロー数:466 フォロワー数:637

I have been doing a mysterious missionary activity to create and distribute generatives of a certain community's characters, while learning how to create generatives.
What a great opportunity to have vlad's art painted!
It's a magical girl vlad 😆.

Thank you!

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Why is vlad painting the monster?

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NFT is too conceptual to be interesting.

Even at a company that prohibits side jobs, if you say it's asset management, you can push it through.

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I'd like to run an NFT collection, but I'm not very good at drawing.
I want to make a promotional video, but I'm not good at making videos.
I want to make a DAO but prefer to be alone
I want to make a full-on chain NFT, but I don't have the skills.
Every day is mission impossible

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What is the selling method?
I'm still interested in how to get people to buy 🤔.

Is the person's vector by the way he/she uses words? The other party? You can clearly see which way you are facing.

I wouldn't want to be a seller.

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It's a given that if you do it, you can do it.
You can do it, but you can choose not to do it.

If I think it'll be fun, I'll do it.
If it looks boring, don't do it.
I think that's a good criterion for a human being to use.

If you're a non-dead person like me, you can do it all.

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I was working in silence and it's been 5 hours.

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I'm not a painter.
I'm not a video creator.
I'm not an engineer.

Until last year.

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The reason why I, a Japanese person, tweet in English is
The reason is that the denominator of people who will see it in English is higher.

But are these tweets reaching non-Japanese?

GM, people all over the world!

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I'm honestly happy for you when you report that you've sold a lot of NFTs.
But at the same time, I feel like I don't need to buy anymore...
Is it just me?
I'd buy an NFT if it was useful, but an NFT with no features... hey...

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