

29. Artist. Pokémon/Fakemon. Social guru. He/Him. I’ve decided to not be certain about anything at all (please do not repost my artwork)

フォロー数:174 フォロワー数:2091

Regional variants for the Florges (Fighting/Fairy) and Haxorus (Poison/Dragon) lines. These are meant to be counterparts, and I worked on them side by side.

Didn’t realized I deleted these, so I thought I’d repost them. Planning to do something w/ Jigglypuff like this

147 793

Regional variants of Cleffa, Clefairy, and Clefable based on Korok from Breath of the Wild

91 697

Part 1 - sharing my old art. Here are regional variants for Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure I did a few years ago. Ghost/Ice

29 166

Mutated form for the fakemon based on Mother Miranda

9 74

Mutated forms for the four Lord fakemon

22 81

Fakemon based on the four Lords from Resident Evil Village (Types - Dark, Psychic/Grass, Poison, & Steel)

63 275

Duke Gengar - Ghost/Psychic. Based on The Duke from

9 55

I was looking back at a lot of my art from the last few years, and I’m still happy with most of it. Decided to post/repost it here since I (probably) won’t be making art for awhile

First up - my “predictions” for the Hisui starters

13 80

Regional Variant - Arcanine

Part of a collab I didn’t with a bunch of amazing artists on IG

12 114

Hisuian Spritzee & Aromatisse - Flying-type

14 199