

illustrator 🌸 freelancer artist🎀 EN🆗 pfp: @HowdyImLenny

フォロー数:1153 フォロワー数:277

Hi! I’m not even if this is still open but here is my sample I would likely take val19/val20/val21

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If this is like in this style then probably I take 3 halos and 1M rhd

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Hi! I don’t know if this is still open but I will take val19/val20/mer21 on this headshot same with the half body but I likely take 2 halos if it’s half body

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1.3M rhd for this :DD
Dm me for other samples

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1.3M rhd for like this :DD

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Hi! I can do this for 1.3M or worth a halo :DD

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Here is another sample for headshot

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