

19, artist, they/them
regretevator enjoyer atvm
(check my media tab for art, i rt ALOT)

フォロー数:318 フォロワー数:367

(ghost - nelward)
ive been listening to this song alot and holy fuck it just reminds me of ghostbur and tommy for some reason
im rlly proud of this too!

2 5

ranboo walks in on brocreation
(btw that says bell the asterisks say bell- as in the prime be-)

0 5

happy Be Sexy And Cool And Trans Like Me (non-binary)

3 12

(scheduled tweet!)
tmw its your birthday O_O when this is tweeted ill prolly be irl just vibing with my family or something, but hey, im finally 16 jesus ive been 15 for too DAMN LONG!!!

3 9

// eyestrain , 2nd picture is Blurry

Tmw You And The Boys Are Slow Dancing
(this was fuckin fun to draw im cryinf)

2 7

// eyestrain , like heavily

oh god ive been listening to this song on repeat should i make this an oc? sure

3 3

Silly Little Gwa Gwa Man Do Their Little Gwa Gwa Things

0 9

yeah, ill listen to my classes
*actually draws my enasona like a boss and only half listens*

3 12

my actual persona? sure why not
their name is ligma and theyre fuckin vibeing >:)

1 5