

A veces dibujo cosas.
El dueño de esta cuenta es una rata en secreto.

フォロー数:53 フォロワー数:53

Power moment.

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That fucking skirt alone took all my spare time but whatever, I'm really happy with this one

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Holo, soy dani y de vez en cuando práctico dibujo digital, más que nada dibujo en blanco y negro y acepto peticiones, casi no las hago pero las acepto xd.

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Never thought that I'll be able to live in a world where people gets mad at a character for being "too cute", that's what I call a certified bruh moment XD

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When im on school i usually draw... a lot, using only lines of 4 markers and a black pen, usually i really like the results so i tried to do it digitally as well, kinda like it.

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Midnight sketch of Power

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It's not fiction, it's disgusting.

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I'm not dead, im just learning perspective

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doodle sunday

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Gotta love horny girls w/ blue hair.

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