

Directing Documentaries @noclipvideo. and @findSecretTape. Making Stunt Derby store.steampowered.com/app/2026450/ Chatting F1 @shiftf1podcast.

フォロー数:1328 フォロワー数:111360

yea it's a classic, no bad time to recommend it

10 468

Happy 22nd Birthday Half-Life 💕

74 724

FYI we also have two docs focused on PREY & Dishonored (and their various DLCs) coming in the summer. Those will go a lot deeper into the design of those games than we do next week. Excited to share more soon. Thanks for all the kind messages.

10 145

REJOICE! After YEARS of being basically impossible to get access to have made SWAT 4 available again! https://t.co/zEHT49HaIf

30 111