

Diamond Hand| #SpaceRiders | #Quirklings |#GhostBuddy| #MurderheadDC| #JackedNFTs |#Dippies | #TearransLuckySocks | NFA opensea.io/danthemans_vau…

フォロー数:2375 フォロワー数:2904

My Celestial board is officially docked and ready for phase 1
Who's ready for this journey, I know I am!

10 49

Just picked up a couple , do ghosts follow ghosts?

28 93

I can finally check quirkling off of my bucket list ✅
It's an honor to join another strong community that's been in the space for a long time and proven they belong! I'm excited to see where this project goes 🤖✖️✖️✖️#Quirklings

29 83

Hey ! I’m still kind of new to the community and would love to follow more of you guys. Drop your down below so I can give you all a follow 🧨⚡️

54 189

Excited to be a part of this amazing community! Finally got my first does toon still follow toon? GM ⚡️GN

38 174