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daenerys targaryen quotes from a song of ice and fire by @GRRMspeaking | pfp theblairbitch

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“All kneel for Daenerys Stormborn, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Shackles, and Mother of Dragons.”

51 208

“I know that somewhere upon the grass, her dragons hatched, and so did she. I know she is fierce. She has survived assassins and conspiracies and fell sorceries, grieved for brother and husband and son, trod the cities of the slavers to dust beneath her dainty sandaled feet.”

11 52

She was a happy child, endlessly curious and utterly fearless, a delight to all who knew her.

A hundred years ago, Daenerys Targaryen came to Dorne to make a peace.

She is the widow of a Dothraki khal, a mother of dragons and a sacker of cities, Aegon the Conqueror with teats.

15 115

“I am going to take you home one day, Missandei,” Dany promised. “I swear it.”

“This one is content to stay with you, Your Grace. Naath will be there, always. You are good to this—to me.”

37 177

That made her so sad that she would have cried if all her tears had not been burned away. “I will never have a little girl.”

32 191

“And is that the end of it?” Cersei asked, amused. Looked at in the right light, it could be seen as a salutary lesson.
“No, Your Grace. At the end a dragon hatches from an egg and devours all of the lions.”

60 483

His long serpentine neck bent like an archer’s bow. With a hisssssss, he spat black fire down at her. Dany darted underneath the flames, swinging the whip and shouting, “No, no, no. Get DOWN!”

4 23

Missandei sat down beside her. “What shall we talk of?”
“Home,” said Dany. “Naath. Butterflies and brothers. Tell me of the things that make you happy, the things that make you giggle, all your sweetest memories. Remind me that there is still good in the world.”

35 115

"From smoke and salt was she born to make the world. She is Azor Ahai returned and her triumph over darkness will bring a summer that will never end… death itself will bend its knee, and all those who die fighting in her cause shall be reborn."

15 69