

hi I'm dapper, an artist who draws whatever my brain latches on to (queer🏳️‍🌈) 🇩🇴

フォロー数:2127 フォロワー数:487

Shows up late to their their own four hundred followers celebration but sincerely thank you all so much 💜💜

0 9

I draw fanart of like two things at max

53 160

The artwork the kirby account posted for the third star allies anniversary

0 12

Bower's inside story has in the chat

0 2

Happy birthday to them and them only today

76 296

They got kicked out for trying to eat all the food

28 154

On both twt and tumblr this is still my most popular drawing for some reason https://t.co/kA12LKaN6C

1 4

Drew some Kirby art based merch I can’t afford/ my usual self indulgent nonsense

79 313

The aftermath of my Halloween art from yesterday

29 199