

카톡 혹은 라인으로 여러이야기 나누면서 만나서 놀기도 하고 즐기면서 지내요. 외국인분들과도 이야기하며 친해지고 싶어요. 많이들 찾아와주세요.
kakaoトークやラインで色んな話を交わしながら遊んだり楽しみながら過ごします。 外国人の方とも話しながら親しくなりたいです。 皆さん、お越しください。나이:27

フォロー数:303 フォロワー数:158



Is that so? Well, does that make you look like this? If I cross-fusion with you as a human boy.

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Is that so? Do you think DDC likes this cute boy?

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あの洗脳された水泳部少年によって私の少年キャラが洗脳されてこんな姿になるのも どうかと思うほどです。 あなたの考えはどうですか。

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I like these characters you drew.

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Is that so? Well, is this character possible?

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If I ask you for help, I think it's about this guy. What's the best thing to do in a scene where you're transforming into a boy or what's the best part of his body that's body?

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I see, but I think I need your help to make use of Ditto's story. And in the process of transformation. Is it possible for my boy character to transform into a sexual form like Ditto's?

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