Danu Pratamaさんのプロフィール画像

Danu Pratamaさんのイラストまとめ

Should I introduce myself?

フォロー数:216 フォロワー数:65

the girl with bangs is named Wulan. while the one beside him is named Fania. both of them are half-blood as well as siblings. a question for you guys; which one is big sister and which one is little sister among them?

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Anisa and me are drinking at the cafe where we usually hangout. idly i take a picture of her again, but still she's always a sullen. this girl really doesn't want to smile when i take his a picture.

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Namanya Zahra, seorang psikiater, lajang, dan mencari pasangan yang humoris dan bertanggung jawab (her name's Zahra, a psychiatrist, single, and looking for a humorous and responsible spouse).

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Anisa, si cewek yang jarang sekali tersenyum, mengucapkan selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke-77 (Anisa, the girl who rarely smiles, congratulates the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia).

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Yang punya fetish rambut pendek ayo berteman (those who have a short hair fetish, let's be friends).

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Apa kau butuh bom hari ini? (do you need a bomb today?)

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