

Multifandom, mostly Tales of (Luminaria), Genshin, HSR
Write, draw, game. Rinse and repeat.

フォロー数:444 フォロワー数:87

"The name's Herbet, Gaspard Herbet."

Happy birthday to the ever-mysterious but interesting Gaspard!

13 28

First time trying to draw on my ancient tablet, so pls pardon the 'lines'...

Happy birthday Bastien! I really wish we can know more about your backstory!

10 23

I want to know more about her past. About why she was out of the village when the Le Sant tragedy happened. I want more of her child self and at most, we've only got a model of her hand in the final ending...

12 29

Thanks for the tag! Also joining the Lumi art world for 2023!

How about you guys?

7 16

Happy birthday to the best boy with a heart of gold!

13 22

Would you like to join Lisette for a glass or two? Or maybe you'll take some juice instead?

4 15

Who wants some candy? Yelsy and Toto are handing out cane candies to everyone!

4 14

Michelle is coming to the party! And is that egg Leo she's holding?

8 18

Laplace is all dressed up for the Christmas party!

5 12