cookie, chronic men likerさんのプロフィール画像

cookie, chronic men likerさんのイラストまとめ

⚡️ your favorite lightning mage! ⚡️ 22 | they/sie/it | oc/canon + rarepair specialist | enjoyer of longnosed men | 16+ please! | header from @Space0Crusade !!!

フォロー数:441 フォロワー数:170

describe urself with 4 reaction images saved on your phone and u can't get new ones

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lazy sketch but. *gestures vaguely*

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me: haha hey what if i had new pairing idea with [current projection character]
my brain, automatically:

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stopped doing these in order! larry for !
context 4 the sketch on the right: i like thinking that after making jackets 4 her and her brother, wendy just makes jackets 4 the rest. this is larry's immediate reaction when he gets his & finds out (he wears it anyways lol)

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im gonna put tunglr requests here too because there's So much of them. like this one!
tippi/timpani, from super paper mario! the hair was fun to do .v.

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birdo/birdetta, for ! i tried to give her kind of a 50s look

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eye strain warning bc of the clothes

it is now iggy friday so i can legally post... iggy koolpa 😎

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i can't be bothered to finish this actually so here's my attempted artistic rendition

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