

🇵🇷 (ENG/SP) Artist, aspiring creature designer; Creator of #MHSixKings | Six Kings Discord discord.gg/xqr9RZgvvQ |

フォロー数:680 フォロワー数:1600

I would love a full render of the new Velociprey, the new look really fits into an idea I have for Six Kings.

2 18

The Spungifaarus and the Droolaton are mortal rivals


1 11

Old version of my avatar cause I haven't gotten around to doing the new version, and my creations.

0 7

Anyway I'll leave tonight with this question: "why he ourple?

9 55

I love this silly lad so much I would kill to have him in mainline

9 67

Here's all 4, with an inbetween of A and B, and D which is based on a bird. Vote in who wins (subject to change)

13 76

He is certainly, large and in charge

2 18

Monster Hunter wise I am currently doing a world building proyect titled Monster Hunter: Six Kings, with brand new monsters, my own takes on previous monties and everything in between. On breaks I do normal mh stuff and other assorted stuff.

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