

Genga Junkie - Toei Animation Researcher - Watch Toei Shows - Forever Pikamee fan - Sometimes I draw - Avatar by me - 17 U.S. Code § 107

フォロー数:501 フォロワー数:6876

Goku's skin looks like it might be a bit too pink here.
Though the colors on the cel don't really look much better.
I don't own the old single DVD so I can't compare.

4 19

well now that i know how to get through password stuff on rubberslug i am a very happy camper

62 186

missing hand layer

(for the better imo)

5 26

Shimanuki is a god of Dragon Ball animation.

How can one man have all that power?

31 89

Z Cut 146
Does an uncorrected version even exist? The handwriting on the layout tells me this is Hisada. Maybe he corrected himself.

9 46

I didn't even know a photo of this cel existed.

The genga is included too which is making me wonder what I've got here.

7 18