lucy🏳️‍⚧️🇧🇷🍉(comms on hold)さんのプロフィール画像

lucy🏳️‍⚧️🇧🇷🍉(comms on hold)さんのイラストまとめ

☆lucy (loo-see) | 22 | she/he/they
☆transfem & autistic
☆sfw artist & programmer

フォロー数:3565 フォロワー数:15107

the joke is that I literally just did it guys this is my worst hear me out

0 23

Does Gutti count as my obligatory slime girl oc?

55 444

never done one of these before but im cuwwious..

6 60

I updated Lucy's ref but I can not decide whether the purple straps should be part of a bra or if they should be part of the undershirt and she's wearing no bra

25 284

reposting this to ask if anyone knows whether tops like this purple one actually exist

22 214