

Investor/trader. Crypto since 2018. Founder CoinInvest - crypto newsletter coininvest.substack.com
Affiliate partner mexc.com
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フォロー数:5115 フォロワー数:5559

It's funny how things turn out.
I faded in the beginning - d'oh!
I came across a cool looking deriv - DeadCets, which was revamped in to
Finally snagged a DeGod. So now I'm in 2 of the coolest collections/best communities in the space.
Still have the deriv😁

23 64

Who did it better: Johnny Depp as Hunter S Thompson or BVDCATs? 😄

5 16

Ape Gang was my first NFT, back in July last year. How the space has grown since then, wow!
AG such a great community, such a great project. Huge potential, hugely undervalued. Our day will come...

5 29