

Artist,Photographer,Q/A games tester,Gamer on Xbox,PS and PC.Comic book fan,AVP UK Predator and Zombie costumer🤘🏻

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Anyone else loving abe’s soulstorm? I’ve been playing it and love it so far. So who wants a free abe’s twitch emote? Comment here and I’ll pick a random winner soon.

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Getting my drawing mojo back.

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I think this needs to be a emote for and for there channel when they can have emotes.

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Ended up doing 2 pieces on my stream. Huge thanks to for the re-sub. thanks for the bits and watching. Also thanks to for modding and chatting to me keeping me chilled out..your all legends

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Tonight live stream finished piece. Thanks everyone that dropped in and chatted to me. I definitely felt more relaxed

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I’ve added some colour to it

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One of my favourite emotes I’ve made for

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