(evil) Celsaurus ⚢🦖🍉さんのプロフィール画像

(evil) Celsaurus ⚢🦖🍉さんのイラストまとめ

they/it/he - white - 18 - spa/eng - nby Lesbian - PROSHIPPERS DNI


フォロー数:1020 フォロワー数:538



PLSSS DIMPLE'S LIKE "wtf?? gay people????"

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can't choose between Ryusui and Gen they make me so happy https://t.co/52x5VBTOLl

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Watch Dr stone, we have:
An enby, a bisexual, a lesbian and an aroace characters

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// gore

I spent too much time in these two drawings sobs https://t.co/9iViCVVl4E

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they would be besties I just know it

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// danganronpa
they are the same fucking character too like when will you two shut up

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