

|NSFW| |27| |they/them| |18+only| |Multifandom|
|Currently HL| |Commissions: OPEN| |Requests: DM|
|Tumblr (art and shitposting mostly) X0ES|

フォロー数:68 フォロワー数:33



Doodled ‘s sona B. Their super cute and were a blast to doodle! Thanks for letting me get my fingies on your character!

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Did a quick doodle for his cat girl OC Sophia, was fun to doodle your character thanks for the request! I don’t draw very many girls so it was nice :>

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I uhhh... I tried? I'm not exactly happy with this as it is but I'm still learning and I figured why not post as I go?#hornyvrai

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Needed a icon that fit this account a bit better and this is the first thing I have drawn on my pc in almost a year :/
oh wells even if its far from my best I kinda still like how the doodle came out so have a benny <3

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