

I like telling stories. Dad/Husband. Ex-expat (8 years in China).

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Only 3 days until Understanding Chinese Fantasy Genres is released.

Paperback IS available, but I haven't received my proof to confirm everything is good, so don't order that version yet!😅

If you want the Kindle version, pre-order now!

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Here's another article with details about Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades. Specifically, the leveling up process, how Meditation works, and info about Fire Deviations. Art depicts my playtest group's characters, art courtesy

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Whether you're looking for something to read over the holidays, or thinking of introducing Chinese fantasy novels to friends and family, Legends of Ogre Gate is the perfect pick. Free on Kindle Unlimited, also in paperback!

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I'm pleased to announce that all of the previously sponsor-exclusive art for AWE is now available in its art gallery. Check it out! See some samples in this tweet. Also, the ISSTH gallery is back, link in ISSTH main page on Wuxiaworld!

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I'm excited to announce that my epic wuxia fantasy novel Legends of Ogre Gate is now on Amazon in both ebook and paperback. Check it out!

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Meng Hao shows off some cool moves on his flying sword, to Fatty who is visible in the background of the first picture.

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Wang Tengfei examines his spell formation to try to figure out who stole the rain dragon legacy. From issue 31 of the comic. When I notice cool stuff I'll post it, but frankly, not much has been worth sharing imo.

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Check out this original wuxia-themed web comic Half Moon Heroes by Female MC, seems like something would dig? Enjoy!

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A new Renegade Immortal game is coming out. Not sure if it's available outside China.

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