rebus bubble blowerさんのプロフィール画像

rebus bubble blowerさんのイラストまとめ

I'm Veri, I'm 30. I'm a mixed nonbinary sapphic who like drawing my little characters and lifting weights. Also schizophrenia. What's up.

フォロー数:129 フォロワー数:3958

you don't know her that well but she still wants to invite you to her monster pool party

35 166

every once in awhile a different OC becomes my current personal cognitohazard and right now it's this little bitch

9 50

majestic and loyal steed, designed by me, adopted by !

25 69



life is 2hectic4me to take on more comms atm, but i got some bills coming up - could i interest anyone in some Cyclopean Birbs? comment or DM to claim :>

5 24



unstable inner monologue edition (tho unsurprisingly it comes with a cw for internalized body image issues, in case anyone's sensitive to that kind of thing)

2 38

zoe reacting very well to a tumblr anon

5 67

rebus but make them a guest on Anime Slushie

9 56

(full minicomic is on my tumblr only, there's no good/easy way to format it optimally for twitter so i'm just not going to bother, lmao)

6 42