it's not greatさんのプロフィール画像

it's not greatさんのイラストまとめ

I'm Veri, I'm 30. I'm a mixed nonbinary sapphic who like drawing my little characters and lifting weights. Also schizophrenia. What's up.

フォロー数:117 フォロワー数:3654

well, toxi and scrafty do, but as much as i love snivy, i cannot overlook the fact its evolutionary line is clearly meant to visually invoke snooty nobles, so they gotta EARN their punkness first.

75 248



today is when the black friday and cyber monday package tsunami starts hitting, pray for me

5 51

i have art i need to work on but i’m currently trapped in the rabbithole of music recommendation algorithms that are actually giving me the goods

12 62

even in human form she refuses to speak, she communicates through stabbing, jacob’s ladder headwaggles and keyscratching peoples’ cars

14 65

she wouldn’t actually do that, but she would say she would with as much dead serious gravitas as usual, just to throw him off balance for making assumptions about their dynamic

27 98

i love being nonbinary and butch
(okay okay its just a very stern sports bra but i wear it even outside the gym specifically for the purpose of smoothing down my chest)

12 102

stop saying i look like the radda radda man
*rips off my hoodie to disambiguate my silhouette*

25 126

so how did trying to bring forth the apocalypse go for you, asshole

4 23