

Graphic Designer from Norway who draws (mostly fanart) during my free time. On tumblr, bluesky and A03 under same username. Mild nsfw sometimes so minors dni.

フォロー数:272 フォロワー数:1269

I'm being very inconsistent with style lately but here's some art. My ulfen fighter and my friend's halfling cleric.

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My bard Malih (right) with his swashbuckler conman crush Aklhas (left)

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The sea monkeys in Below Zero keep reminding me of a certain cat meme, so I drew this

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Character art for a Savage Worlds game I recently joined. His name is Raphael Claye and he's a big nerd

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is still my jam. Been wanting to draw these two for a while and finally got around to it ❤️

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Made some tiny pixel sprites for a party I'm in. Unsurprisingly the dual wielding rogue on the far left is mine,

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