professional pretty boy × he/him × 21 × duncan or ego x BLM ACAB

フォロー数:299 フォロワー数:1205

this was a very important addition. (2/2)

36 155

ASK: Dave, what happened to your horn? Is it ok? (1/2)

61 240

ASK: Have you two ever fought?

17 70

i made these for a species swap au a while back. idk if i posted these here yet

109 366

i dont know if ive posted this one yet? but its a commission for that i still think is fucking adorable.

10 41

i mean i have this one pic of my inquisitor but i feel like,,, i need to draw him smooching his boyfriend

1 17

i made these in like, an afternoon, and i will willingly draw 20 karkats on command.

look at his face

i did this a year ago

imagine the power i have now

12 71

im not jokin yall i have karkat sprites already

hire me

85 294

the issue is, i think, that i have no goddamn clue how to convey my friendship to people.
like. do i just send this photo to people after a certain threshhold? is that?? viable??? HOW DOES FRIENDSHIP WORK

3 33

TW: needles, nudity
this is my album piece for 's catch 322! go scope a listen, everyone produced such major bangers

17 57