professional pretty boy × he/him × 21 × duncan or ego x BLM ACAB

フォロー数:299 フォロワー数:1205

dumb doodle of my fankids, whom i love
theyre gay, they do art, and theyre judgin you

3 29

a davekat comic thread. i made this shit like, mmm maybe 3 years ago? i cant remember. but it was based off of this backstory for an rp i was doing, where karkat was telling dave when he figured out his crush. i think its still cute

41 113

"What good is a villain who doesn’t have a satisfying dramatic comeuppance in store for him? So yeah, the next time I die, let’s pencil it in as a Just Death. And let’s also have it on good authority that the next time Dave cuts off my head, it’ll be for good."

78 283

I WASNT AT MY COMPUTER WHEN I REPLIED but heres my contribution!

3 11

a commission from !! i love these fucking morons, so i speed ran it

46 178

i drew alpha dave in that dumb croptop hoodie meme bc he fucking would
also. i practiced shading,, on abs,, hhhhhh

52 183

i drew MORE of my fantrolls and did more lil godtier redesigns
andais, page of life, radits, thief of rage, holley, seer of time, preysi, sylph of hope

26 108

more of my fantrolls redesigned godtiers!!
we've got, ovinne, rogue of void, graxis, prince of space, diloqe, knight of doom, and bassil, heir of blood

22 78