professional pretty boy × he/him × 21 × duncan or ego x BLM ACAB

フォロー数:299 フォロワー数:1205

i call this one "No man, you live in a society. I live in a Waterworld (1995) rip off."

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a commission from !! i dont get to draw these little shits enough, especially not this au version

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it's called growth and boy does it feel good.

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you were all so focused on the goth GF you could have that you didnt notice the goth BF you did have

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i recently did a whole overhaul of a different character from this story too.
her name is rizzo, she does stage magic despite being a powerful sorcerer. shes also a pixie and i love her dearly.

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happy lesbian day!!! heres laurel and her on again off again GF phylene. theyre both orcs.
im also not toootally satisfied with phylenes design, so shes definitely gonna change at some point in the future.

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vivians personality is more obvious here. he's a good time first and foremost, and a disaster quickly followed after. i basically sent this new viv around to people asking if he was more obviously DTF than the last one. still not perfect, but better.

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he was created for a curse of strahd campaign, and his warlock pact was physically eating away at him, rotting his flesh, so he compensated with a fuck ton of perfume and massively thick gloves. he was supposed to be sexy but my design work was weaker here. i fixed that, obvi.

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i am fully bummed that the next arc of our dnd campaign isnt happening for a while purely because vivs Tits Out look isnt relevant yet. i have to wait longer for this glorious disaster to exist.

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hey so jades route was really fucking good and im having a Time

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