

i love my husband🧡🦇

フォロー数:181 フォロワー数:605

this is just me irl :)

2 14

you get no context

2 14

i drew funni fireball head 😎

1 3

how do i start an argument?

0 1

the fade pen is op, also the order is wrong i hate twitter so much

3 20

that outfit suits you tho ngl also i will make more art wadda surprise-

4 18



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self note: since i started drawing scenes from my drawings, i noticed i remember every dream i have and also i started dreaming every single i sleep so i will just draw the most interesting ones :>

1 3

7 hours. i love it 😭 (i think i will never put more effort in anything than i did w this, also this is my most detailed luigi ;w;)

6 20