

|ID/EN| Multifandom semihiatus fanartist & Analyst. ブルーアーカイブ/明日方舟/魔女の旅々/etc |
Elaina + Gloria simp | #VGenComm waitlist closed! | #NoAI | 🍉…

フォロー数:351 フォロワー数:2449

I would like to post about my tweet.

I'm a vocational student at Powerplant Technology study program. To be an artist / drawer isn't my main goal, but just my primary hobby. I usually draw Touhou things, but sometimes other else. I do for commission too.

10 27

1hr + 15 min


28 71

I checked on 2 year history from my FB account and i found this.

I think i should to upload this here.

20 61


My 1st Art Trade with someone.

4 17