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Easter egg 2

Gura stole ame's basket and replace it with bloop,
our long disappeared bloop

43 465

Easter egg 1

Now they become family bracelets lol

55 543

Spring's still at the door step, I'm already preparing for summer in my room😂

109 818

Tried adjusting the way I draw the eyes a bit

68 830



1077 7600

Just want to see her smiling when cherry blossoms bloom. QwQ

2256 10886

Happy Valentine's Day😉


116 546

Although the grandfather felt that these adornments diminished his dignity and grew increasingly displeased, upon seeing the hopeful look in his granddaughter's eyes, he obediently allowed her to put them on.

0 4

To prevent his beloved granddaughter from being looked down upon or bullied by those wicked humans, the grandfather decided to accompany her in his true form.

0 1