DEOXYSACID - HIATUS 🧬さんのプロフィール画像


smell ya later!

フォロー数:150 フォロワー数:8075

"i always thought your eyes were pretty."

wow gay people in my phone

115 509

i did a metric shit ton of these yesterday oops. lets go johto morty...

71 374

red-eyed blue is living in my mind rent free

80 327

117k people think im iconic for this one but this is my favorite

112 783

oc their name is mordred and they have every mental disorder

59 341

oomfie had this genius idea... red and blue but swap the eye colors (despite these not even being their canon eye colors)

104 417

Blues internal name in FRLG is terry for some reason. This is my headcanon

106 578

more public use stuff for fangames... this time red and blue. purple if you will

28 178

tried my hand at some public use sprites bc i have a personal agenda to make people put hun in their games. deoxysacid is my deviantart with a total of 2 (two) posts on it

14 109