//=time() ?>
Dips his #stroopwafel
In coffee—
Gives the cookie
One more douse
Field slaves like him
Were never ‘sposed
To be in the
Big house
Don’t know why
He’s havin breakfast
When he should
Be runnin off
Master’s bloody
In the corner
His last breath
A gentle cough
My landlord’s charge
To have a dog
Is so high
It’s insane
I buy some
Betta fighting fish
And give them
Pit bull names...
All except
For “Jasmine”
Who detests
The fighting game
My kids
Try to
Teach them
To bark—
I fear their work’s in vain
Used to call him
Before we all had cars
Now He is Pollution
& He stinks
At playing cards
War grins
‘Cross baize at Famine
Crack thin in dirty thong
She swears Death
Is cheating
& she’s both Right&Wrong
For Everyone
Is cheating—
It’s mankind’s favorite song
I like living in my head
I’m happy here alone
Along came a squatter
To occupy my home
He tells me
I’m not good enough
Nor will I ever be
He pays
Not a cent of rent
For his tenancy
Me, he #discombobulates
He is the thief of peace
I swear
If he had one
I wud yank his lease