

Hi, I'm Cho! Indie VN Dev ✨ Writer ✨Artist ✨
Creates her own happily ever afters.

フォロー数:300 フォロワー数:956

watching ponyo with and uh...

therapist: chicken ponyo isn't real, she can't hurt you
chicken ponyo:

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(I know it’s all in good fun, don’t worry lol)

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Remember the true reason Joker has come to Smash

To stop HIM

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3/7/19 - Day 7 Progress

⭐ Sketched and completed lineart for new sprite
⭐ Blocked colors for new sprite

I didn't do any programming today. I focused on designing the other sprite that will be in my game! Based off a certain BFF of mine. :D

Gonna finish it tomorrow!

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3/2/19 - Day 2 Progress

⭐ Finished base of sprite
⭐ Drew a variety of facial features to mix and match for expressions

I'm actually surprised I got this much done! I still don't know how to shade and color for crap, but I did a thing and I'm proud!

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I’m just gonna make placeholder sprites until I’m done programming the VN. Here’s Flowey LOL

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Also, here's WALUIGI'S BOD from last night. 🤣

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